Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rainbow “Bow Ties” Afghan

Hello crocheting friends!  Hope this finds you all doing well. All is well in my neck of the woods.  Some of us are still dealing with colds and such, but over all we are doing well. It’s been a dark and dreary week here, but given the weather events in other parts of the country, we can certainly count our blessings!

Here is the latest project I have been working on.  Finished it up last night, and snipped off all the ends this morning.  That job was very easy to do because I was able to crochet over all of the ends, thus eliminating the need for all that weaving!


I will tell you what was annoying, though.  The white yarn I used for the border.  I was constantly coming upon thicker spots in the yarn.  Had to keep snipping it and starting again.  That was rather irritating.


All is well that ends well, and here is the finished project. And yes, the white is supposed to be a bit ruffled.  :) In the first picture, my new stuffed bunnies are posing for you.  I got them at Wal-Mart for 74 cents each, on clearance.  Yes, they’re mine.  I love them!  LOL






This afghan was great for using leftover yarns. It would also look great in a multitude of color schemes, I am sure! If you’d like to make one of your own, you can find the Bow Ties stitch pattern in this book.

Thanks for looking, and enjoy your day!


  1. It's beautiful Rita. To me, it looks like a landscape - the yellows for the ground, the greens for the trees, and the blues and purples for the sky. I love it. :)

  2. Love the colors! I'm glad to hear that someone else besides me crochets over the ends instead of weaving in! Too much trouble and wastes time! Stormy weather bypassed our area, thank goodness.

  3. very pretty..I too do not like weaving in the ends if I can avoid it I certainly do. I love how your scraps made such a pretty blanket.....

  4. It is looking very pretty and colorful !! Lovely afghan:)
