Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sharp Crayons!

Hello all!  Do any of you enjoy coloring?!  I do...always have.  One thing that frustrates me big time, though, is dull crayons.  I've been on the search for a decent crayon sharpener, and I finally found one!  Woohoo!  Now when the grandkids and I color together, we will have freshly sharpened crayons to us.  Yay us!  lol  My new crayon sharpener took this bucket of crayons from this:

To this: takes the paper off as it is sharpening the crayons. Love, love, love it!

On a crochet note, I thought I'd share this little fella that I made a while back.  I forgot to post it earlier.  It is a little owl I made for my son.  It is a paid pattern, and can be found here.  I did a crappy job on the stitching, but the little guy is still cute.  lol

I'll be dog-sitting for my son and daughter-in-law for a week while they go on their honeymoon.  I'm trying to decide what crochet, or embroidery, project I want to work on during that time.  Or do I want to do neither and just color all week?!  Decisions, decisions...  I've been looking at Pinterest for some inspiration, but so far I am still not sure what I want my next project to be.

I made these hearts for the grandkids for Valentine's Day.  I like to make them a heart every year for Valentine's Day, and hopefully when they're older and I'm possibly no longer around, they'll look at their hearts and remember how much I loved them.  <3  It's not a very good pic as the lighting wasn't too great.

Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your weekend!!

Edited to add a pic of the crayon sharpener.  I've had a few people ask me about it, so here ya go.  :)


  1. Can you tell me the name of the crayon sharpener. Cute hearts.


  2. Lovely hearts!! Enjoy colouring :) I use pencil colors mostly.

  3. Are you doing the adult coloring books? I have three and found a stash of colored pencils at a yard sale. Even a pencil sharpener doesn't sharpen them good enough for me. I'm going to take them with me on our vacation this year. Cute owl!

  4. Wow.. good for you finding the sharpener.. can you show us a photo of it? Love your crocheting. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Sharp crayons are the best - easier to stay in the lines. Love the little owl - he's very cute, and the little hearts are nice too. :)
